
5th Digital Health Society Summit

14-15 November - Online
DHS is delighted to announce the date for its

5th Annual Summit (to be held virtually)

The 2-Day Virtual Summit promotes the latest thought leadership of the DHS, showcases innovation, research, European funded projects and addresses the latest digital and data challenges facing digital health.

The DHS Summit will build on almost 1000 registrations from 95 countries across the globe.

Highlights DHSS 2023

International high-level speakers

Virtual exhibition space

Free registration

Networking opportunities

2 Day programme

Read the DHSS22 takeaways

Supporting Partners

GHCP Partners

Join the Digital Health Society

Become a partner to increase your networking and business opportunities and engage with and learn from the “Doers” of the health and care transformation globally.

Highlights DHSS 2022

95 Countries

20 Virtual Booths

980+ Registeers

50 International Speakers

20 Sessions

7 Partners

Check out the 4th Digital Health Society Summit here

Watch the 1st DHSS highlight video here

Please contact Alejandra Rodríguez for further questions